January Ag Digital Photo Contest 2021

Photo Credit: Skye HarrisJANUARY CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2021!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short…


October Ag Digital Photo Contest 2020

Photo Credit: Katherine PlessnerOCTOBER CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2020!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short…


New Program: Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce launches business professional program.

New Program: Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce launches business professional program. Develop Dickinson made its debut on August 20 .ABOUT THE EVENTEVENT MEDIAABOUT THE EVENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDickinson, ND – August 20Together, the Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce and our Professional Development Committee, are excited to announce the launch of Develop Dickinson.This business professional program…


July Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

Casey HellingAG PHOTO CONTESTJULY WINNERWe’re excited to share that Casey Helling is the winner of $25 + JP Frameshop framed photo.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS to our amazing Ag sponsors! Our contest wouldn’t be possible without their support. Agweek American Bank Center Choice Bank Dacotah Bank Dakota Community Bank & Trust Dakota Outdoor Advertising Dickinson State University…


July Ag Digital Photo Contest 2020

Photo Credit: Sarah GelsingerJULY CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2020!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short…


Chamber Member Hero Program

JOINING FORCESCOVID-19 has impacted our business community.Now, more than ever, the business community needs the Chamber and the Chamber needs the business community’s support.So, we created this superhero program to save the day.Why? Well, we really want to help you – our member – promote your business, as well as, give you an opportunity to…


April Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

Whitney BuckmanAG PHOTO CONTESTAPRIL WINNERWe’re excited to share that Whitney Buckman is the winner of $25 + JP Frameshop framed photo.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS to our amazing Ag sponsors! Our contest wouldn’t be possible without their support. Agweek American Bank Center Choice Bank Dacotah Bank Dakota Community Bank & Trust Dakota Outdoor Advertising Dickinson State University…


April Ag Digital Photo Contest 2020

Photo Credit: Jessie EvoniukAPRIL CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2020!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short…
