April Ag Photo Contest

Photo taken by Kayla SteffanAPRIL CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2019!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a…

Leadership Dickinson Legislative Day – 2019

LEADERSHIP DICKINSONLEGISLATIVE DAYTHE DAY IN REVIEWBY OUR LEADERSHIP MEMBERNicholas Gleese WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH Wednesday, February 13th, 2019 was Legislative Day for the Leadership Dickinson group. We took a trip to the state capital to see a different side of Dickinson in the Legislative houses.   Upon arriving, we were given a tour State Capitol building.…

January Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

KAY TESCHERGathering calves for fall shots in September.AG PHOTO CONTESTJANUARY CONTEST WINNERWe’re excited to share that Kay Tescher is the winner of $25 + postcards.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS to our amazing Ag sponsors! Our contest wouldn’t be possible without their support. Agweek American Bank Center Boespflug Trailer Choice Financial Dakota Community Bank Dakota Outdoor Advertising Dakota…

Southwest Night with the Legislators

ABOUT THE EVENTEVENT MEDIAABOUT THE EVENT Southwest Night With The Legislators provides a unique opportunity for residents from the southwest region to make connections and discuss important issues. Connecting 250 Southwest North Dakota residents and legislators from across the state. Drifting snow and frigid temperatures did not keep the citizens of Southwest North Dakota from…

Leadership Dickinson Manufacturing Day – 2019

LEADERSHIP DICKINSONMANUFACTURING DAYTHE DAY IN REVIEWBY OUR LEADERSHIP MEMBERRachel RackovWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16TH We started off our morning at Baker Boy. Seth and Hannah led two tour groups around the entire facility. We saw and smelled the donuts and croissants being made! After our tour, Guy gave us a presentation of the history of Baker Boy.…

January Ag Digital Photo Contest

JANUARY CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2019!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience. 2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short caption telling…

Leadership Dickinson Health Day – 2019

LEADERSHIP DICKINSONHEALTH DAYTHE DAY IN REVIEWBY OUR LEADERSHIP MEMBERMason KuntzWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12TH We started off our health day at the Chamber of Commerce discussing our 3 2 1’s and Community Service Project. Afterwards we headed to CHI St. Alexius Hospital and toured the facility. We went through the ICU, lab, OB, clinic, surgery, and physical…

Harvest Festival 2018

2018 WAS A BLAST!We want to give a BIG THANK YOU for making Harvest Festival the biggest to date to everyone – members, vendors, volunteers, visitors, & sponsors .Because we had so much to be thankful for and Harvest Festival was so incredible, here’s a video to share its story. Thanks Vuk Multimedia! HOORAY! THERE’S…

Leadership Dickinson Agriculture Day – 2019

LEADERSHIP DICKINSONAG DAYTHE DAY IN REVIEWBY OUR LEADERSHIP MEMBERMasy KuntzWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3RDTo start off our Agriculture Day each student brought in an article about an event that has impacted North Dakota’s farms and ranches. After our discussion of each article, we headed to our first stop of the day, the DSU Agricultural Center and met…

Leadership Dickinson Team Building Day – 2019

LEADERSHIP DICKINSONMEDORA ROPES COURSETHE DAY IN REVIEWBY OUR LEADERSHIP MEMBERAlexa Walby and Farrah ZellerWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12THOur first adventure with Leadership Dickinson was an eventful one. We traveled to Medora to partake in some team building activities. We started with a few group activities that forced us to communicate and come up with strategies to achieve…

Inaugural Banquet In A Field: Western Style cultivates awareness about food and production agriculture

ABOUT THE EVENTEVENT MEDIAABOUT THE EVENTInaugural Banquet In A Field: Western Style cultivates awareness about food and production agricultureConnecting 140 consumers and North Dakota growers and producers. The Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agricultural Committee hosted the first ever Banquet In A Field: Western Style at Arrow K Farms near Belfield, ND on Tuesday, July…