April Ag Digital Photo Contest 2020

Photo Credit: Jessie EvoniukAPRIL CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2020!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short…

January Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

Danielle NielsenAG PHOTO CONTESTJANUARY WINNERWe’re excited to share that Danielle Nielsen is the winner of $25 + JP Frameshop framed photo.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS to our amazing Ag sponsors! Our contest wouldn’t be possible without their support. Agweek American Bank Center Choice Bank Dacotah Bank Dakota Community Bank & Trust Dakota Outdoor Advertising Dickinson State University…

January Ag Digital Photo Contest 2020

Photo Credit: Katherine PlessnerJANUARY CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2020!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short…

October Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

Katherine PlessnerAG PHOTO CONTESTOCTOBER WINNERWe’re excited to share that Katherine Plessner is the winner of $25 + postcards.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS to our amazing Ag sponsors! Our contest wouldn’t be possible without their support. Agweek American Bank Center Boespflug Trailer Choice Financial Dakota Community Bank Dakota Outdoor Advertising Dakota West Credit Union Dickinson State University Farm…

October Ag Photo Contest

Photo taken by Casey HellingOCTOBER CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2019!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a…

July Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

Casey HellingAG PHOTO CONTESTJULY CONTEST WINNERWe’re excited to share that Casey Helling is the winner of $25 + postcards.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS to our amazing Ag sponsors! Our contest wouldn’t be possible without their support. Agweek American Bank Center Boespflug Trailer Choice Financial Dakota Community Bank Dakota Outdoor Advertising Dakota West Credit Union Dickinson State University…

July Ag Photo Contest

Photo taken by Joel WaltersJULY CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2019!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a…

April Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

Katherine PlessnerCrocuses On the Hill in the pasture.AG PHOTO CONTESTAPRIL CONTEST WINNERWe’re excited to share that Katherine Plessner is the winner of $25 + postcards.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS to our amazing Ag sponsors! Our contest wouldn’t be possible without their support. Agweek American Bank Center Boespflug Trailer Choice Financial Dakota Community Bank Dakota Outdoor Advertising Dakota…

April Ag Photo Contest

Photo taken by Kayla SteffanAPRIL CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2019!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a…

January Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

KAY TESCHERGathering calves for fall shots in September.AG PHOTO CONTESTJANUARY CONTEST WINNERWe’re excited to share that Kay Tescher is the winner of $25 + postcards.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS to our amazing Ag sponsors! Our contest wouldn’t be possible without their support. Agweek American Bank Center Boespflug Trailer Choice Financial Dakota Community Bank Dakota Outdoor Advertising Dakota…

January Ag Digital Photo Contest

JANUARY CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2019!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience. 2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short caption telling…