Join us for Coffee with the Legislators on select Saturdays in January, February, and March.
Representatives from Districts 36, 37, and 39 are invited.
Dickinson Area Public Library Community Room
10 AM - 12 PM MST

Special Guest
Director of Mineral Resources
Lynn Helms

Gary Kriedt
District 36

Mike Lefor
District 37

Greg Kessel
District 39
Lynn Helms is the Director of the North Dakota Mineral Resources Department. This department is the regulator of the oil and gas industry. The agency came into existence in 1980 to bring order to oil and gas development in North Dakota. Lynn will be presenting on the future of oil and gas production in North Dakota and some of the challenges that the industry is facing today.
Note: The total state revenue that comes from the oil tax is between 50 to 55 percent.
Senator Greg Kessel serves District 37 in the North Dakota Senate. Senator Kessel serves on the Industry & Business and Natural Resources Committees. His background in energy and agriculture give him a great understanding in these areas.
Representative Gary Kreidt represents District 36. Representative Kreidt lives in New Salem, and he serves on the House Appropriations and is assigned to the Human Services Division. House Appropriations is currently working on the Human Services Budget, and Representative Kreidt will give a report on the progress of that budget.
Representative Mike Lefor serves District 37 in the North Dakota House of Representatives. He is also the Majority Leader of the North Dakota House. Representative Lefor will be discussing the major budget issues including the tax reduction bills and how they fit in to the mix. Cutting budgets really comes down to Education and Human Services. Together they make up 80% of the State General Fund Budget.