Farewell from Megan

Farewell from MeganYou all may know me as “Megan with The Chamber.”During these past seven years, I’ve “worn a lot of hats” here (as most employees at small companies do)… My role has evolved as the organization’s needs have changed, and I’ve been happy to step up to the challenge each time.I’m writing to say…

January Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

Dayna BlauerAG PHOTO CONTESTJANUARY WINNERWe’re excited to share that Dayna Blauer will receive $25 + JP Frameshop framed photo.We have four (4) runners-up who will move on to the Grand Prize Winner round! This month’s runners-ups are Rosie Decker, Haylee Leingang, Katherine Plessner, and Skye Walz.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS to our amazing Ag sponsors! Our contest…

2022 State of the City Recap

STATE OFTHE CITYRECAPHeld at August House on February 03, 2022, our 9th Annual State of the City luncheon featured presentations from Mayor Scott Decker and panel discussion moderated by Representative Mike Lefor.This year, the luncheon included panelists discussing access to childcare, new education opportunities for students, & mental health resources. The panelists included: Aaron Anderson,…

January Ag Digital Photo Contest 2022

Photo Credit: Katherine PlessnerJANUARY CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2022!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short…

2021 Grand Prize Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

Rachel MakelkyAG PHOTO CONTESTGRAND PRIZE WINNERWe’re excited to share that Rachel Makelky is the winner of $150 + JP Frameshop framed photo.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS to our amazing Ag sponsors! Our contest wouldn’t be possible without their support. Bravera Choice Bank City of Dickinson Dakota Community Bank & Trust Dakota Outdoor Advertising Dickinson State University Eagles…

October Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

Rachel MakelkyAG PHOTO CONTESTOCTOBER WINNERWe’re excited to share that Rachel Makelky is the winner of $25 + JP Frameshop framed photo.NEW THIS YEARWe have four (4) runners up who will move on to the Grand Prize Winner round! This month’s runners up are Hope Raley, Sarah Kuylen Ewoniuk, Sharon Wallace & Connie Cote.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS…

NEW BENEFIT | Event Round Up

We’re at it again! Here’s our NEWEST marketing effort for our members!EVENT ROUND UPShow off your EVENTS to 4000+ Chamber friends in our stories (and it’s FREE)!We’re using SOCIAL MEDIA STORIES to give your events a visual boost + share what’s happenin’ in our community . QUICK, WHAT ARE STORIES?Stories are a visual story telling…

Chamber Business Builder

WHAT IS IT?The BUSINESS BUILDER PACKAGE is a reservation of advertising to be used throughout the month of November, or a batch of 3 for the months of March & July.We totally get that budgets are limited – so, we built this campaign to ensure your brand has a strong foundation across multiple channels. HOW…

October Ag Digital Photo Contest 2021

Photo Credit: Dean RummelOCTOBER CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest in 2021!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience.2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short…

2021-2022 Membership: Better Each Year

2021-2022 MembershipAs fall sets in and a new fiscal year begins, the Chamber Team is excited to take your membership to the next level!2020-2021 was an amazing year that included 30+ events over 365 days – that’s almost two every month! And that’s not all! On top of producing engaging events, we brought together &…

July Ag Digital Photo Contest Winner

Bailey GoelemaAG PHOTO CONTESTJULY WINNERWe’re excited to share that Bailey Goelema is the winner of $25 + JP Frameshop framed photo.NEW THIS YEARWe have four (4) runners up who will move on to the Grand Prize Winner round! This month’s runners up are Teresa Johnson, Bailey Urlacher, Mason Ebert & Juanita Hoff Benson.SPONSORSAnother BIG THANKS…