Today was designated “City Day” for Leadership Dickinson. First we met and discussed our 3-2-1 Articles relating to city issues. We then reviewed our 2nd Habit “Keeping the End in Mind” and shared our responses to last session’s worksheets. Our first tour of the day was the Dickinson Police Department building. Sergeant Klauser showed us the inner workings of the Dickinson PD. We got to see the forensics laboratory, SWAT team briefing room, dispatch center room, the controlled substance and property evidence unit, vehicle inspection garage, and the officer workspaces. Sergeant Klauser gave us an excellent tour describing the details of what occurs in the Dickinson Police Department on a daily basis. He explained the issues they face, how they resolve them, and the current status of the police force in our city. Next we toured the Baler Building. First the trash compacting process was shown where the bales are made. Information relating to what types of trash they compact, their recycling process, and how they deal with hazardous substances was shared. Afterwards, we drove out to their landfill site to see how they compact the bales into the garbage pit. The process was explained throughly, describing how soil is layered and how the site returns to a natural state over time. This concluded our morning tours. After a hasty lunch and review of Habit Two, we departed for the Dickinson City Hall to visit with Mr. Shawn Kessel. While there, Mr. Kessel initially answered our questions to gain insight as to the issues that are personally affecting us as youth. Questions regarding infrastructure costs, the new overpass, airport issues, and city measures regarding unlimited distribution of liquor licenses were promptly answered and discussed. Concluding our presentation was a lecture regarding city budgeting issues. Within this lecture, we compared 2015 and 2017 revenue and assets, as well as sales tax funds, special revenue funds, and oil impact revenue. Handouts were also provided for us to review and create our own budget-related comparisons.
The final stop on our City Day was the Dickinson Animal Shelter. There, our time was split between touring the shelter and discussing various animal-related topics including euthanasia and volunteer opportunities. The head coordinator, Kim Wills, also compared the shelter to Oreo’s Rescue Center to clear up misinterpretations of both rescue and shelter organizations. We were enlightened as to the donations that are needed for the shelter, and finished our visit by meeting new furry friends.
After this visit, we completed course evaluations and prepared for December’s meeting.