Join us for Coffee with the Legislators on select Saturdays in January, February, and March.
Representatives from Districts 36, 37, and 39 are invited.
Dickinson Area Public Library Community Room
10 AM - 12 PM MST

Special Guest
Randy Christmann

Jay Elkin
District 36

Mike Lefor
District 37

Vicki Steiner
District 37
Guest speaker, Randy Christmann, is the Public Service Commissioner. He is responsible for the placement of pipelines, transmission lines, and wind turbines.
Senator Jay Elkin serves as chair of the Senate Education Committee and also serves on the new Workforce Committee. Jay deals with all of the K-12 educational issues and how they affect the local school district. The major issue every session is School Funding. Jay represents District 36.
Representative Mike Lefor is the Majority Leader in the North Dakota House of Representatives. He deals with all the issues that come before the House and is responsible for keeping the legislative process moving. Mike represents District 37. As the Majority Leader he is responsible for the whole state of North Dakota.
Representative Vicky Steiner serves on the Finance and Taxation as well as the Government and Veterans Affairs Committees. She has been working tax reduction issues and a program to deal with school students who have behavioral issues. Vicky also deals with retirement bills in the legislature. Vicky represents District 37.