Inaugural Banquet In A Field: Western Style cultivates awareness about food and production agriculture

ABOUT THE EVENTEVENT MEDIAABOUT THE EVENTInaugural Banquet In A Field: Western Style cultivates awareness about food and production agricultureConnecting 140 consumers and North Dakota growers and producers. The Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agricultural Committee hosted the first ever Banquet In A Field: Western Style at Arrow K Farms near Belfield, ND on Tuesday, July…


June Ag Digital Photo Contest

JUNE CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience. 2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short caption telling us about…


DSU Pride Window Display Contest

Which Business Has The Most DSU Pride?To celebrate DSU’s Centennial, an award will be given to a Dickinson business for the best DSU Pride window display.The contest runs from Thursday, June 28th through Saturday, June 30th. Winner is determined by public votes! You can vote on the Chamber’s Facebook event page.Check out the participating businesses!…


2018 Candidate Forum Recap | City Commission Park Board County Commission

CANDIDATE FORUM RECAPThe Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee, in conjunction with the Dickinson Press, offered this Candidate Forum to our members and the public on Monday, May 14th. 2018 CANDIDATESCITY COMMISSIONJason FridrichKyle JostKlayton OltmannsNicole WollaPARK BOARDBrad FongKara UttCOUNTY COMMISSIONCarla ArthaudRuss HoffUnable to join us? Check out Candidate Forum coverage so you can make an informed decision…


Leadership Dickinson Graduation

LEADERSHIP DICKINSONGRADUATION2017-2018 CLASS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11THThe Leadership Dickinson class concluded their program by celebrating their hard work and dedication at the Hampton Inn & Suites. The celebration started with our Program Directors, Marisa Armstrong & Suzi Sobolik, providing class introductions followed by our Mayor Scott Decker congratulating each student on their hard work & dedication.…


Leadership Dickinson Agriculture Day

LEADERSHIP DICKINSONAG DAYTHE DAY IN REVIEWBY OUR LEADERSHIP MEMBERTYLLA ROSHAU WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14THToday was our Agriculture Day. We started our day off at the chamber with 3 2 1’s and update our service project which is coming along! Not long till we get Cuddles for Kids going!! Then we got on the bus and headed…


National Ag Day | March 20th

ABOUT NATIONAL AG DAYWHEN IS NATIONAL AG DAY?March 20thWHAT IS NATIONAL AG DAY?It’s a day to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture. Every year, producers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, government agencies and countless others across America join together to recognize the contributions of agriculture.More Ag Day Resources >CELEBRATE ITColoring PagePrint your FREE National…


Ribbon Cuttings

Ribbon CuttingsMarch 8th, 2018We had FOUR ribbon cuttings on Thursday, March 8th that we want to share with you. They included new businesses, location expansion and relocation.We celebrated having TWO amazing NEW BUSINESSES in our community. Help us welcome Elite PT & Red Rock Ford of Dickinson to the business community! We’re so excited about…


March Ag Digital Photo Contest

MARCH CONTESTThe Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee is proud of the area’s agriculture and wants to showcase it with a local photo contest!Participate1Snap a picture of your favorite ag activity, place or experience. 2Use the hashtag #mydickinsonagstory and share your photo on Facebook or Instagram along with a short caption telling us about…


Leadership Dickinson City Day

LEADERSHIP DICKINSONCITY DAYTHE DAY IN REVIEWBY OUR LEADERSHIP MEMBERASHLEY FORSCHWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21STToday, was our city day. We started the day at the Chamber with Sarah Trustem, Executive Director of the Chamber. We learned about her participation in the City Commission Council and the development of downtown Dickinson. Then, we got a tour of the City…
