Presented By

The Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce 3 on 3 Hoopfest Committee will be hosting its 23rd Annual 3 on 3 Hoopfest on Sunday, April 30th. During the event, teams will be competing to be #1 in their division—4th grade through adult.
• Over 50 teams, as many volunteers, fans and 6 courts at Dickinson High School.
• Beverages & eats
• Kids activities
• Music
• Pop Up shops
Park for FREE in the Northwest lot.
Hoopfest wouldn’t be possible without the help of our amazing VOLUNTEERS! Be sure to thank a volunteer on Sunday!
We’ve appreciated your patience as we finalized times!
Be sure to pack your own basketball so you can warm-up before play starts!
4th-5th Grade

6th-7th Grade

9th-10th Grade

11th-12th Grade

4th-5th Grade

6th-7th Grade

8th-9th Grade





If you are playing in Hoopfest, be sure to complete the consent form and return to us before start of play!
Sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings
The 3 point contest will be held at 12:00 in the DHS Main Gym. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place.
Participants must be from a registered 3 on 3 team from either the Men’s or Women’s Adult Divisions. ONLY ONE PLAYER PER TEAM CAN ENTER THE CONTEST. FREE TO ENTER.
Contest Set-Up & Rules
Each Player will shoot 8 basketballs from both the left and right side of the court. The last ball on each side will be a money ball and will be worth 2 points.
A time limit of 1 minute exists for the player to complete all 16 shots.
The three highest scores will advance to the final round. The rules are same for the final round, 8 shots from each side in under 1 minute.
Sign up for the contest will happen the day of the event.
Don’t miss out on a Sunday packed with basketball, entertainment and good times!
(5 years and under)
$3 Kids
(6 – 12 years)
$5 Adults
(13 years & up)
$15 Family
Buffalo Wild Wings
Did we mention that Buffalo Wild Wings will be serving eats from 11 AM – 3 PM?
Stay tuned for their menu!
Dickinson High School Speech Team

The DHS Speech Team will be providing breakfast goodies — fruit, donuts, and some baked goods. PLUS, these amazing leaders will be serving up beverages.
Coloring Pages & Kids Hoops
Brock White Entertainment
Brock White will keep Hoopfest rockin’ with awesome energy & music selection.
Shop Locally
There’s something for everyone! You can get your retail on at the Starboard pop up shop.
Game Regulations
- All games will be half court.
- Each game will have a 20 minute running time with each team receiving one (1) one minute time out per game. The clock will stop during all time outs.
- All division games will be played until time expires.
- If a game is tied at the end of regulation, a coin toss will determine who will get the ball first. Overtime will be a 5 minute running time limit or the first team to score 3 points. If the game is still tied, a coin toss will determine who will receive the ball first. The first team to score wins the game.
- You may participate in one grade division only. You may participate in higher grade divisions but not lower grade divisions. If you play in more than one division, the team you are not on the roster with will forfeit the game.
- 4th through 6th Grade Boys, and all Girls divisions will be played with a women’s ball.
- There will be referees for all divisions.
- Add-ons to your roster must be added before your first game of the tournament.
- The games must not start until the scheduled game time.
Game Rules
- All games may start and finish with any number of players. (3,2,1)
- Co-ed teams must have at least one player of each gender on the court at all times.
- Game time is forfeit time so have your players there 5 minutes before your scheduled game time. If a team wins by forfeit, for the purposes of a tie-breaker, the team winning by forfeit will be awarded points equivalent to their average margin of victory in other games. If the team winning by forfeit does not win another game in addition to the forfeit, the team will be awarded five (5) points.
- A coin toss will determine the first possession of the game. Jump balls after that will be awarded to the defensive team including jump balls called when the ball goes out of bounds.
- Substitutions may occur at any dead ball situation. You must let the official know of a substitution.
- On any in-play change of possession it will be required you take the ball back at any point behind the three point line. Taking the ball back means the player must have both feet behind the three point line. If both feet are not behind the three point line and the offense advances toward the basket, the official is to immediately call a violation and award the ball to the defense.
- When the ball goes out of bounds or any violation occurs the ball must be checked in behind the three point line at the top of the key. The ball must be checked in by the opposing player.
- Baskets made inside the three point line will count as 1 point, and baskets made outside the three point line count as 2 points.
- Unsportsmanlike conduct towards committee members, officials, other players, fans and coaches will not tolerated. The Tournament Committee has the right to eject anyone, including coaches, players or fans, for unsportsmanlike conduct, which may include, but is not limited to, and ban them from this and any future 3-on-3 Hoopfest tournaments. A determination of what constitutes “unsportsmanlike conduct” shall be within the sole discretion of the Tournament Committee and the officials.
- Players, coaches or fans receiving on unsportsmanlike technical foul will be ejected from the game and must leave the premises. Two unsportsmanlike technical fouls on a team in the tournament will result in ejection from the tournament, and the ejected player, coach, or fan must leave the premises.
- Any protests on rule interpretations, not judgment calls, must be made on or before the next dead ball situation. The game clock will stop on any protest. Officials will have final say on all disagreements.
- The five second count will start when closely guarded within 6 feet.
- The 3 second violation will be enforced.
Foul Rules
- Individual fouls will not be counted.
- On all common defensive fouls the offensive team will be awarded 1 point plus retain possession.
- If a common foul is committed during the final minute of game play, 1 point will not be automatically rewarded. The player will instead be awarded a free throw attempt. Same rules apply, if the player makes the free throw the offense retains possession. The clock will stop for fouls during the final minute of game play.
- If an offensive foul occurs the defensive team will receive 1 point and will be awarded possession of the ball.
- If a technical foul occurs during the game, 2 points and possession will be awarded. The player receiving the technical foul must leave the game and the premises for the remainder of that game.
- If a flagrant foul occurs during the game, 2 points and possession will be awarded. The player receiving the flagrant foul must leave the game and the premises for the remainder of that game.
Game Winning Bonus Foul Points
- If any foul is called, the offended team will not be awarded the foul point but will have to shoot and make the free throw to win the game.
- Whenever a free throw is shot, the players will line up for the rebound.
- The game clock will stop on any free throw shot.
- If a technical foul or flagrant foul occurs at the end of the game, the offended team receives 2 points and the game is over.
- If an offensive player is fouled in the act of shooting and the shot is made, and the made shot is the game winning point, then there is no need to shoot the free throw. Game Over.
Tie Breaker Rules for Round-Robin Play
- If, at the conclusion of Round Robin play, two or more teams have the same number of wins and losses, the tie(s) will be broken in the following order:
- First, head to head wins (i.e. the team that won the game between the two teams will receive the higher seed);
- Second, total points scored;
- Third, total points given up;
- Fourth, coin flip.